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Hearing Test


Hearing Evaluations for Accurate Diagnosis

Here at East Coast, we offer a thorough diagnostic hearing evaluation in a soundproof booth to determine if hearing loss is present. We understand that older adults with hearing loss have a greater risk of developing dementia, and we strive to address this issue through personalized treatment plans. Hearing loss can negatively affect cognitive abilities such as memory and concentration.  Older adults with hearing loss have a greater risk in developing dementia than older adults with normal hearing. Click here to learn more about the connection between hearing loss and cognitive health.  With our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology, we ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. Experience the difference at East Coast Audiology and Physical Therapy. 

Comprehensive Hearing Test Procedure 

At East Coast Audiology and Physical Therapy, our goal is to provide thorough and personalized hearing care. Our comprehensive hearing test procedure is designed to accurately assess your hearing health and identify any issues. Here’s what you can expect during your visit

Here is an Overview of the CAP Test Procedure

Step 1. Initial Consultation


Medical History and Hearing Concerns​

  • We begin with a detailed discussion about your medical history, hearing concerns, and any symptoms you may be experiencing. This helps us understand your specific situation and tailor the evaluation to your needs.

Visual Examination of the Ear (Otoscopy)

  • Our audiologist will use an otoscope to inspect your ear canal and eardrum. This visual examination helps detect any obstructions, infections, or abnormalities that might affect your hearing.

Step 2. Hearing Test


Pure Tone Audiometry

  • You will be asked to wear headphones and respond to a series of tones at different frequencies and volumes. This test measures your hearing threshold levels, helping us determine the quietest sounds you can hear at various pitches.

Speech Audiometry

  • This test evaluates your ability to hear and understand speech. You will listen to and repeat words at different volumes. Speech audiometry helps us assess how well you can understand conversations in various listening environments.


  • Tympanometry assesses the functioning of the middle ear. A small probe is placed in the ear canal to measure eardrum movement in response to changes in air pressure. This test can detect fluid behind the eardrum, eustachian tube dysfunction, and other middle ear issues.

Acoustic Reflex Testing

  • This test measures the reflexive contraction of the middle ear muscles in response to loud sounds. It helps evaluate the neural pathways of the auditory system and can indicate possible issues within the auditory nerve or brainstem.

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)

  • OAEs test the function of the outer hair cells in the inner ear. A small probe placed in the ear canal emits sounds and records the echoes produced by the inner ear. This test is useful in detecting inner ear damage and is often used for newborn hearing screenings.

3. Results and Recommendations

Review of Test Results

  • Once the tests are complete, our audiologist will review the results with you in detail. We will explain what the findings mean for your hearing health and discuss any identified issues.

Personalized Treatment Plan

  • Based on the test results, we will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This may include recommendations for hearing aids, assistive listening devices, or further medical evaluation.

Counseling and Support

  • ​We provide counseling to help you understand your hearing condition and the available treatment options. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

Schedule Your Hearing Test

If you’re experiencing hearing difficulties or it’s time for your annual hearing check-up, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with East Coast Audiology and Physical Therapy. Our experienced audiologists are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal hearing health. Take the first step towards better hearing and improved quality of life. We look forward to serving you!

Recognizing the Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can develop gradually, and many people may not notice the early signs. Identifying the symptoms early on can lead to timely intervention and better outcomes. At East Coast Audiology, we encourage you to be aware of the following common symptoms of hearing loss:

Common Symptoms of Hearing Loss

  • Difficulty Understanding Speech

    • Struggling to follow conversations, especially in noisy environments.

    • Frequently asking others to repeat themselves.

    • Finding it hard to understand high-pitched voices, such as those of women and children.

    • Problems carrying out multi-step directions

  • Increased Volume Needs

    • Needing to turn up the volume on the TV, radio, or phone to levels that others find too loud.

    • Using a higher volume on personal audio devices.

  • Trouble Hearing Consonants

    • Consonants like 's,' 'h,' and 'f' become difficult to distinguish.

    • Words may sound muffled or unclear.

  • Social Withdrawal

    • Avoiding social situations or gatherings because of difficulty hearing.

    • Feeling isolated or frustrated in social settings.

  • Tinnitus

    • Experiencing ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds in the ears.

    • Tinnitus can be a sign of underlying hearing loss or other auditory issues.

  • Misunderstanding Conversations

    • ​​Responding inappropriately to questions or comment

    • Misinterpreting what others are saying.

  • Strain and Fatigue

    • Feeling exhausted after trying to listen in challenging listening environments.

    • Experiencing mental fatigue from straining to hear.


Situational Symptoms

Common Symptoms of Hearing Loss

  • In Noisy Environments

    • Difficulty hearing in restaurants, parties, or crowded places.

    • Trouble understanding speech when there is background noise.

  • On the Phone

    • Difficulty hearing the other person clearly on phone calls.

    • Often switching ears while on the phone to hear better.

  • At Work or School

    • Struggling to follow conversations during meetings or lectures.

    • Missing important information or instructions.

Age-Related Symptoms​​

  • Presbycusis

    • Age-related hearing loss, usually starting with difficulty hearing high-frequency sounds.

    • Gradual onset, often noticed in people over 60.

  • Impact on Daily Life

    • Reduced ability to enjoy activities that involve listening, such as music or movies.

    • Increased reliance on visual cues for communication.

When to Seek Help

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek professional evaluation. Early detection and treatment of hearing loss can significantly improve your quality of life.

Schedule a Hearing Test

At East Coast Audiology, our team of experienced audiologists is here to help. We offer comprehensive hearing tests and personalized treatment plans to address your hearing needs.

Contact Us Today

Don't let hearing loss affect your life. Take the first step towards better hearing and schedule your appointment today. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to improved hearing health.

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